@leo haha. I saw on down detector there is a wide spread outage.
@leo “Mighty nice profile you got there, be a shame if something happened because you didn’t have $11/month to protect it…”
@leo I’m hoping this is the dam starting to break. https://fortune.com/2023/02/08/twitter-is-having-a-weird-technical-glitch-that-wont-let-users-tweet-because-they-are-over-their-daily-limit/
@leo I bet this is a new limitation to force people to spend $8.
@leo Who needs engineers? Get rid of them all! <SIGH> So dumb for a reputedly smart guy.
@leo Who needs staging servers and QA anyway
@leo Happuily, I didn’t notice since I no longer use the bird app.
@leo - I wish you wouldn't interrupt people so often - Mike Elgan was building up to a point, I wanted to hear what he was going to say and you cut him right off.